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SwellFrac Method

Swell Frac is the method of isolating existing perforations in previouslycompleted wells. The Swell Frac method is comprised of intentionally screening out the perforation tunnel’s with a proprietary blend of micro sized (50 µm – 110 µm) swelling elastomer and or swelling cellulose material containing a Super Absorbent Polymer (SAP). This material is blended into a slurry with either fresh water, brine water or oil based liquids and bullheaded into the well.

Why Re-Frac?

• Current cost of a new drill well = $3MM to $8MM

• On a typical four well pad, the savings of re re-fracturing with Swell Frac could lead to $12MM to $28MM+ for an operator

• The challenging part of drilling, completion and facilities has been done, this leads to reduced risk and lower necessary capex for the operator.

• An extremely small staff can manage mature fields

• The production facilities are already in place

• Ask any oil and gas executive how they can reduce cost on a well by 90% and increase their output simultaneously!

• Re -Frac is the most profitable trend with < $60BBL Oil


How does re-frac assit in ESG initiatives?

Re-frac work for North America shale plays can have huge a impact on ESG goals by reducing new well drilling programs.

On average land based AC driven rigs consume up to 112 GPH diesel fuel.

Add to that continued 24 hr operation the consumption rises to 2,688 GPD diesel fuel consumed per day.


These consumption rates for a 14 day well plan equate to 37,632 gallons of diesel per well.

37,632 Gallons X 22.44 (lbs of CO2 from combustion) = 844, 462 LBs CO2

Carry this formula on to a 5 well pad and you can quickly see the ESG benefits of re re-fracfrac!

SwellFrac First

SwellFrac is a FIRST to the industry single sack solution to prepare a horizontal well for re re-fracturing.

• Complete and total isolation on all existing open perforations

• The only product that allows multiple re re-frac’s on the same well

• Mitigates fractured and failed annular cement by plugging off the perforation tunnel

• Does not change the wellbore geometry restricting frac rates and production

• ZERO damage to the tubulars and formation

• SwellFrac exceeds the life expectancy of horizontal wells

• Efficient, Economical and extremely low capital requirements

Are you getting true isolation?

• Ball sealers have a difficult time providing true isolation due to eroded and irregular perforation geometry.

• Ball sealers and other perforation sealing techniques must remain on seat through the duration of the re re-frac. Are they (they aren't)?

• Plugging the perforation from the inside of the casing fails to address issues of fractured, channeled or non non-existent annular cement on the outside of the casing.

• High strength and thixotropic gels used for diversion are typically squeezed into the fracture network creating limited diversion for the new frac treatment.

• New liners are costly, restrict frac rates and restrict production. And prohibits any further re re-frac work.


The main dilemma is all of the aforementioned techniques are short term.

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

SwellFrac Perforation Tunnel Treatment

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

True Zonal Isolation

•    SwellFrac is bullheaded from surface and intentionally screened out into the perforation tunnels.

•    Once in place, positive pressure is applied to the casing and the well is shut in to remain static for 24-48 hours. The delta pressure between the casing and the formation locks the SwellFrac material in place through the swelling period.

•    After the shut in period a cleanout trip is necessary to remove any residual SwellFrac remaining in the casing.

•    The entirety of the lateral perforations are now completely sealed off with impermeable plugs. The well is now ready for traditional plug and perf operations.


SwellFrac is the only product that can be pumped away at surface and provide a permanent and impermeable plug providing true zonal isolation for a re-frac!

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

SwellFrac is the ONLY single sack product available that completely plugs off and seals all of the perforation tunnels and fracture matrix.

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

Cryogenically Ground Fines Testing 

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

Acrylic Tube Testing

Acrylic Tube Test Post Swell


Perforated Test Sub Pre Swell


Perforated Test Sub Post Swell and Tested to 8,000PSI

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

Cryogenically Ground

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

Pre & Post Swell
(samples were the same size)

swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy
swellfrac refrac hydrolic frac oil and gas oilfield services energy

Get in Touch

6532 SW 44TH ST OKC OK

Steve Wehrenberg
Energy I.P.
C: 405.778.4854

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Steve Wehrenberg
Energy I.P.
C: 405.778.4854

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